Question: 1 / 50

For combustion to occur, which three elements are necessary?

Oxygen, fuel, and heat

Combustion is a chemical reaction that results in the rapid oxidation of a fuel, typically producing heat and light. For combustion to take place, three essential elements must be present, commonly referred to as the "fire triangle." These are oxygen, fuel, and heat. Oxygen is crucial because it serves as an oxidizer that supports the combustion process. Without an adequate supply of oxygen, the reaction cannot sustain itself, leading to incomplete or extinguished combustion. Fuel refers to any combustible material, such as wood, gasoline, or natural gas. It provides the energy that is released during the combustion process. The nature of the fuel also influences the characteristics of the combustion, such as temperature and emissions. Heat is necessary to initiate the reaction and maintain combustion. This heat can come from an external source to ignite the fuel and must be sufficient to raise the temperature of the fuel to its ignition point. Collectively, the presence of these three elements – oxygen, fuel, and heat – is imperative for the combustion process to occur and continue. In the absence of any one of these components, combustion cannot proceed, leading to extinguishment or failure to ignite in the first place.

Water, heat, and carbon

Oxygen, pressure, and carbon

Heat, electricity, and oxygen


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